Privacy Policy

About this Policy  

Arts Northern Rivers (ANR) collects information from individuals and organisations to administer and deliver its programs, and to communicate with its stakeholders, associates and customers. ANR is committed to the protection of privacy and personal information.  

ANR aims to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) detailed in the federal Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and any other applicable current or future laws relating to privacy, data collection, the access to, the collection of and the use and disclosure of personal information.  

This Policy has been created as a guide to ANR privacy principles and is not a contractual document. ANR will act in the interests of compliance with the principles contained in this Policy. 


Collection of Information   

In order for ANR to provide its products and services, it may receive and store information that has been provided. Such products and services include:  

  • maintaining accurate records of grant applications and acquittals;  
  • distributing the electronic newsletter and other material;  
  • providing up-to-date information regarding artists, events and venues; and  
  • gathering information for statistical, research and reporting purposes.

Information that identifies an individual is "personal information". Any personal information given to ANR will be used and disclosed only in accordance with this Policy. There is potentially a wide range of personal information that may be collected, which may include names, addresses, phone numbers, age, email addresses and any information or opinions about an individual’s preferences, habits or activities. ANR will only collect personal information with the consent of, and as provided by, the individual to whom the personal information relates.

In some cases, personal information may be provided to ANR by a third party, such as a colleague or friend. ANR will take reasonable steps to let the individual know that ANR has personal information, which may include asking the party that provided the information to let the person know that ANR has it.

The specific types of information collected from time to time and the reasons for collecting it may vary depending upon the particular circumstances. Where practicable, the purpose for which ANR collects the personal information will be made clear at the time of collection. Further, where lawful and practicable, ANR will endeavour to do business without requiring an individual to provide personal information. If an individual does not provide ANR with certain requested information, ANR may not be able to provide its products or services to that individual.  

  • Email addresses: ANR will only record email addresses if provided. They will only be used for sending information requested about ANR products and services, or for another use provided. They will not be added to a mailing list, used for any unauthorised purpose or disclosed without that person’s consent.
  • Websites: ANR operates the ANR website ( and the Northern Rivers Creative (NRC) website ( By accessing these websites, using their products or services or subscribing for materials, alerts or other information issued by ANR, consent to collection of personal information is deemed to have been given.
  • Cookies: ANR may also store and/or collect "cookies" automatically from an individual accessing the ANR and NRC websites. The website may make use of cookies – small data files transferred onto computers or devices by websites for record-keeping purposes and to improve your website user experience. Most browsers allow you to choose whether to accept cookies or not. If you do not wish to have cookies placed on your computer, please set your browser preferences to reject all cookies before accessing the OAIC website. Please note however, that some data may still be collected separately by tools such as Google Analytics, even though you may have set your browser preferences to reject all cookies. If cookies are turned off, some features may no longer be available.  
  • Clickstream: ANR may from time to time receive and store certain information relating to the use of, and behaviour on, the ANR and NRC websites. This information is commonly referred to as "clickstream" information. For example, ANR may record information such as the areas of the websites accessed, the time, date and URL of the pages requested, a user’s IP address and browser software. The recording of such information enables ANR to monitor the areas of the websites that are most popular and to improve sections accordingly. 

Use and Disclosure   

ANR will not use or disclose personal information for any purpose other than the primary purpose of collection, unless it is required or authorised by law, or it is reasonably necessary for law enforcement. ANR may make personal information available to agencies in circumstances where required to do so by law, and in a manner that complies with that law. ANR also reserves the right to disclose an individual’s information to law enforcement agencies in circumstances described in the APPs and other applicable laws and regulations, including for the purpose of investigating alleged contraventions of law or in emergency situations. ANR may also share 'aggregated' information (at minimum identifier levels of a Census Collection District) with others, provided no individual is identifiable from the aggregated information. From time-to-time, ANR may engage or employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf to assist ANR to comply with this Policy and perform its functions and services.

Access and Correction  

ANR will maintain procedures designed to keep its records accurate. If personal information that is out of date or inaccurate at any time needs to be changed, ANR needs to be contacted at After notice to change personal information, ANR will take reasonable steps to correct any personal information stored. Similarly, if personal information is to be deleted, ANR needs to be contacted. ANR may be unable to supply services to you without certain information. An individual has the right of access to their personal information, unless there is a threat to life or health or other people's privacy, the request is frivolous or vexatious, there are legal proceedings in train, negotiations would be prejudiced, access is unlawful, denying access is required or authorised by law, it would prejudice investigation of an unlawful activity or law enforcement or for national security reasons. If access is denied a reason will be given.


ANR will take reasonable steps to protect personal information from misuse, loss or unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Personal information will be disposed of securely when it is no longer of use.  

While ANR will take all reasonable steps to keep records of personal information on its server and transmissions to and from its server secure, no organisation can absolutely guarantee security. There might be a risk of unauthorised access to an individual’s information and ANR cannot be held responsible for events arising from unauthorised access to such information. ANR is to be contacted if there is any reason to believe that there has been any unauthorised access to or use of personal information provided to ANR.  

Changes to this Policy  

From time-to-time ANR may review and update this Policy. Revised versions will be updated on the ANR website.

Resolving Privacy Issues 

If you have any queries about this Privacy Policy, or if you think your information has been mishandled and you wish to lodge a complaint, please contact

More information about the APPs and privacy rights can be found at the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s website:

Arts Northern Rivers respectfully acknowledges Bundjalung, Yaegl, Gumbaynggirr and Githabul Country, the lands we work and create on. We appreciate the unique and vibrant array of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders artists and cultural practitioners from here and living here. We strive to strengthen self-determination, promote presence, and support cultural continuation.
Arts Northern Rivers respectfully acknowledges Bundjalung, Yaegl, Gumbaynggirr and Githabul Country, the lands we work and create on. We appreciate the unique and vibrant array of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders artists and cultural practitioners from here and living here. We strive to strengthen self-determination, promote presence, and support cultural continuation.
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