Peter Faulkner

Peter Faulkner

SITE LAB Artwork

Peter Faulkner ‘Keepers of the Fire’ 2023 

Country is the land and those that live on it – freshwater and saltwater systems, the animals, the birds, the plants, the winds and the mountains.

Peter Faulkner comes from both freshwater and saltwater people and Islander people from the South Sea. ‘Keepers of the Fire’  is a series of new paintings reimagined as a large-scale site intervention under the Lismore Regional Gallery awning. This artwork reflects his ancestry and a sense of energy and vibrancy of ancestral cultural ways. His installation invites you to move through this place, connect and come together on Country.

Country talks to you. There are signs all around us. Country speaks through signs from nature, the patterns that emerge inform you of what’s coming. Our ancestors speak to us too through signs and shifts in energy. Sometimes you hear them dance and sing.

Country calls for more ceremony. Sharing through story, song and dance is a way to tell our dreaming story now, one that is changing rapidly. Widjabul Wia:bul means keepers of the fire. This artwork honours coming together to share knowledge.

About the artist – 

Peter Faulkner is a proud Widjabul Wiabul visual artist. His artwork illustrates community togetherness, contemporary cultural expression and the value of interconnectedness of his culture. Peter uses a striking, simple colour palette and style through various mixed mediums, including painting, wood sculptures, clay and simple, bold lino prints. Peter is a visual storyteller, sharing his ancestry, history and the voices of his people. The warrior spirit is prevalent in this modern-day dreaming, originating from the ancients’ knowledge and teaching. His weapon today is his art, disarming and bold.

Images by Kate Holmes.

SITE LAB is supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW, with financial and in-kind support from Arts Northern Rivers and Lismore Regional Gallery.